Couple face eviction after judge ruled case came down to just “I love my dog”

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In November 2015 Gabby Kuehn and her partner moved into a £1million flat after apparently she had obtained consent from the freeholder to keep a pet in the flat.

After the couple moved in, the property management company refused to give consent on the basis that they had an unwritten ‘no pet’s policy’. The management company commenced legal proceedings in January 2016.

Ewa Jones, 57, chairwoman of management firm Victory Place, said: “They say they got permission before moving in, but that’s not true.”

“They were informed of the no-pets policy before buying.”

“The lease is clear.”

She said almost every resident backed the ban last year.

She said: “Of 76 votes, 75 were for it. The only vote against was the Kuehns.”

The case was heard at the Royal Courts of Justice and the couple face an £80,000 legal bill after losing their case, in which a judge ruled that the case came down to just “I love my dog”.

They now intend to take their battle to keep their dog Vinnie, a Maltese Yorkshire Terrier cross to the Court of Appeal.

Source: Love Wapping

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